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Gynecologic Pelvic Ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound may be used for assessment and measurements of female pelvic organs.
Obstetrical Pelvic Ultrasound
Transabdominal pelvic Ultrasound maybe used for assessment following conditions:
- establish the presence of a viable fetus/fetuses
- estimate the gestational age of the pregnancy
- diagnose congenital abnormalities of the fetus (Nuchal Translucency and Anatomical screenings)
Transvaginal pelvic Ultrasound maybe used:
- to check for ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy occurring outside of the uterus)
- to check for opening or shortening of the cervix
Gender Sneak Peek Ultrasound - $100
Learn at 15 weeks or more.
Planning a gender reveal or just ready to know?
In the event your baby is feeling shy, don't fret, we allocate extra time to get your baby to reposition; we are very patient and persistent. However, if we are still unable to determine gender, we will bring you back for a repeat visit FREE of charge. If you do not want to find out your baby's gender during ultrasound, we will place your baby's gender card in a sealed envelope.

Comfort Scan - $50
This package is designed for moms-to-be between 11-14 weeks or 37-40 weeks.
Early Pregnancy: 11-14 weeks
For those moms-to-be that are not feeling fetal movements yet or "feeling pregnant" or have had a previous loss; a quick peek can help with some of those anxieties. View baby's heartbeat and witness movements in 2D. Heartbeat can be heard only after 12 weeks. Late Term Pregnancy: 37-40 weeks.
For those moms-to-be that just want to listen to baby's heartbeat and see what baby is doing one last time before the big day.

3D & 4D Ultrasound - $175
The NEW 3D Ultrasound provides a clear three-dimensional image of the baby in utero. When this technology is used to show movement - the 4th dimension - it's called 4D Ultrasound.
Both 3D and 4D Ultrasounds are performed using the same safe sound-wave technology that's been in place for many years. Technological advances now allow us to get more detail and to control the lighting. Rather than a snapshot, we also have the ability to record video.