What IUDs Are Available in Rochester?

drmadonnaBirth Control

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Intrauterine device, or IUDs, are a type of birth control that many women in Rochester choose for its variety of benefits. This is a possible replacement for the birth control pill, condoms or other types of birth control methods that prevent the egg and the sperm from meeting or that stop the fertilized egg from implanting itself in the uterus.

All types of IUDs provide long-lasting birth control rather than one-time or one-day-at-a-time birth control. They are incredibly effective. They are a physical device that must be prescribed by and placed by a health care practitioner in the uterus. The device is shaped like a “T” with each side of the “T” reaching out to one of the fallopian tubes. It prevents the sperm from meeting up with and fertilizing the egg.

There are a variety of types of IUDs offered in the United States. At Madonna OB/GYN in Rochester, we offer three of the five types that have been FDA-approved.

The first type that we offer is a copper IUD called ParaGard®. This type of IUD does not have any hormones added to it. Instead, the copper wrapping around the device prevents pregnancy.

The other two types that we offer are hormone-based IUDs. These IUDS use progestin to prevent fertilization of the egg. Progestin is extremely close to the chemical makeup of your naturally-produced hormone progesterone. We offer both Skyla® and Mirena®.

The length of time that your IUD will lasts depends on the type of IUD that it is. ParaGard® lasts the longest and should prevent pregnancy for up to 12 years. Hormone-secreting IUDs do not last as long. Skyla® lasts approximately three years, and Mirena® lasts approximately five years. Just because they last this long does not mean that you have to use them the entire time. If you decide that you want to get pregnant, you can simply have your provider remove your IUD.

Our experienced practitioners will place your IUD for you. We recommend having it inserted during the middle of your menstrual cycle because your cervix will be the most open. This should really only take five minutes or less to do. Any discomfort you feel will quickly dissipate and should feel like nothing more than your usual menstrual cramps.

If you are interested in finding out more about IUDs or would like to have one inserted, contact Madonna OB/GYN in Rochester, New York, today.